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Claims Marketplace

Green Light provides Health Care Payers and Cost Management Vendors with an internet based, real-time, centralized market for the procurement of health care Cost Management services. The Green Light Marketplace is a competitive marketplace, where Health Care Payers submit health care claims into the online market and Cost Management Vendors compete for those business opportunities, through a real time bidding process.

By consolidating and streamlining the transactions already occurring in the market today, Green Light provides Health Care Payers and Cost Management Vendors the ability to greatly increase efficiencies in service and sales procurement, EDI claim transmission and communication. The result is a solution that delivers Health Care Payers the most aggressive possible net savings on their health care claims while dramatically reducing overall costs associated with the service.

Cost Management Vendors gain access to cost management opportunities with Health Care Payers, while eliminating the high costs and long timelines associated with traditional sales and marketing methods in the Cost Management space.

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